Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween week 2008

What a busy, fun week. We had lots and lots to do. So I take the kids to school on Tuesday morning and there is a firetruck and ambulance. Apparently when the teachers came in that morning there was smoke coming out of the computer lab. It took several hours for them to figure out an exhaust fan motor had started smoking and they had to replace it. I got a call about noon saying the kids could come back to school yeah. While the kids were home they helped me decorate the trunk for trunk or treat we had later that night. After school they helped me sell books at the bookfair, then straight to sonic we went for dinner and straight to trunk or treat after that. Wednesday we had three days worth of homework to do since we couldnt do it Monday or Tuesday. Thursday were there class parties plus an early release day. I went up to Target to get my 24 cupcakes they we suppose to have for me well apparently they had read the paper wrong and only made 12. Nice!! They just so happen to have one other package of 12 made sitting up front so all was ok. I had to do both parties so I was literally running from party to party to help. It was alot of fun. Then we brought home 2 extra kids till their mom got home from work. Then back to the bookfair and parent teacher conferences. Both kids are doing excellent in school. Then of coarse trick or treating on Friday night. The kids came home with so much candy. They had a blast. Here are Max and Camille. Max was a wizard and Camille a fairy.Max and Camille went down to trick or treat on the square with us. Ben was a ninja, Faith a spider, and Brandon the grim reaper.
This is all the candy they got. Faith just got a few the rest was all Brandon and Ben. Me and Faith stayed home and passed out candy and only had like 9 trick or treaters, so we also have what we bought left. We should be good to go for awhile.


Brandi Hatfield said...

Glad it was a good week for all. Enjoy the candy!!

Anonymous said...

We have way too much candy at our house now. I remember as a kid getting to keep all of my halloween candy in my bedroom. What were my parents thinking?

Terri Homan said...

all sugered up and nowhere to go!!