Friday, June 30, 2006

Entry for June 30, 2006

Today was Brandon's last day of summer school and he was so excited. He made the whole 2 weeks so he earned 40 dollars to spend as he pleased. I was only going to let him spend half but he was so excited and so happy and he wanted to get some things for Ben too. I am so glad that one thing my kids practice is sharing. Brandon is very generous and no matter where we are (Drs office, dentist) and they give Brandon something he also says can I get one for my brother too. Brandon got a match box Metropolis adventure set, he also got a superman watch with changing wrist bans, and he got a skateboard thingy. He got Ben a CARS bowl, spoon, and cup set. And they both got a new pen. They got alot for their money. I never do. So of coarse as soon as daddy got home they wanted him to help and play with them. Too cute. Now I gotta keep three kids busy. Fun fun water sprayer park here we come.
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Friday June 30, 2006 - 05:55pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 5 Comments

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Entry for June 29, 2006

I need a break from other people's problems. Sometimes you just need to be left alone with your own. Sometimes people get wrapped up in their own junk that they dont think that other people around them may have their own things going on. Maybe I will turn my phone off for a week. Jamie are ya with me.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Entry for June 28, 2006

Oh if it were still that easy. To wake up revived and refreshed like this. Instead of dragging butt all day trying to get things done.
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Wednesday June 28, 2006 - 07:55am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Entry for June 27, 2006
Here we go Brandon has 4 days left of summer school and he wakes up this morning barking like a seal. I am trying to decide do I just give him some cough medicine and hope he makes it without being sent to the nurse or do I just keep him home. Here in Liberty they have an incentive program and they pay you to go to summer school but you can't miss one day or you dont get the money. And of coarse Brandon has been thinking for weeks what he wants to spend his money on. Oh well guess I will send him and if they call me go get him and if not maybe we can make the rest of the week. Poor guy.
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Tuesday June 27, 2006 - 07:44am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Monday, June 26, 2006

Entry for June 26, 2006

Brandon and Ben feeding the fish at the marina. They love that. Those fish are so gross. They slip and slide all over each other. A few ducks were trying to join the fun and those fish smacked them right out of the way it was so funny.
Well we were back to the grind stone today we are all so tired and worn out. Brandon was hard to get up this morning but he made it through school. I have been trying to organize the house a little bit. When you are in and out the place just gets to be chaotic. I am not even going to try and clean though till Josh goes back to work it is not worth it. I can handle one more day. The boys are excited about the 4th. Already people in the neighborhood are letting them off even though it is illegal. We never had to worry about that when we were growing up but you can do anything in Lathrop. Anyways Brandon is still leery of fireworks Ben on the other hand I dont know we might have to hog tie him. Hopefully Faith isnt scared and my gosh I hope Max has settled down. He was so scared last year that for awhile nobody could enjoy themselved cause he would scream and scream when they went off.
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Monday June 26, 2006 - 05:50pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 5 Comments

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Entry for June 25, 2006

Well we had an awesome, exhausting weekend. We started Friday night by going to the drive-in and seeing Cars and Nacho Libre. We went with the intention of only staying for Cars but Brandon has been wanting to see Nacho Libre so Ben made it till about midnight and then went to sleep in the back of the car on the floor with no blanket or pillow. (First he fell asleep on Josh, then woke up and then fell asleep in the chair sitting up). Brandon made it through both movies and fell asleep about 10 minutes from home. He thought that it was almost morning when we got done so he thought he stayed up all night. (We didnt correct him) It was about 1:45 when we got home.
Saturday we got up early and headed to the lake. ( I posted some new pics for everyone). We stayed and played in the water, made sandcastles afterwards we went to the marina and fed the fish and had an icecream, then we went and had lunch at the park and played. Came home took showers and then we went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. (Very expensive but the kids had a blast).
Today (Sunday) we went to Science City we watched Sharks on the extreme screen in 3-D it was so awesome. Brandon and Ben kept trying to grab the jellyfish. I recommend going and seeing that if you can not too expensive either. 3 and under are free and it is 13.95 for everyone else. Afterwards we went through Science City the boys had a blast they are so worn out so we will probably have an early bedtime. I am exhausted too. We have to get Brandon rested for his last week of summer school. Then I get to find things for both my kids to do. Got alot of things in mind though. Hope everyone else had a good weekend.
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Sunday June 25, 2006 - 06:44pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 3 Comments

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Entry for June 22, 2006
DEPRESSED!! We were planning a vacation but now we can't go can't afford it. It would cost us $100 in gas, $66 dollars to board our dog, and $120 for the cheapest motel, that is not even including what we wanted to do. So we will just have to find some stuff to do around here. The new T'rex restaurant opens in late July, we might take the kids to the Rain Forest cafe Brandon has only been once when he was 2. Also there is a Shark exhibit or something at Science City. I guess we always want to go somewhere another state or whatever and we forget there is stuff to do close to home. We will see. That is about it on my end. Happy Birthday Heather.
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Thursday June 22, 2006 - 09:21am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Entry for June 20, 2006

Faith will be sitting right next to them soon eating breakfast. She kept me up all night last night. She is still fighing going to the bathroom on her own and this time it was almost 8 days and I had to break down and give her some help. Plus her gums are so swollen and inflamed and those teeth just wont pop through and stay out. But then we get up in the morning and she is fine. Why is that.
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Tuesday June 20, 2006 - 08:00am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Monday, June 19, 2006

Entry for June 19, 2006

There is nothing more peaceful then getting to watch your 4 month old rocking in her swing, and nothing more joyful then to know your 3 1/2 year old is in the other room watching Dumbo and eating a cheese stick, and then there is how proud you are that your 5 year old rode the school bus to school and is in his 3rd week of summer school preparing for kindergarten.
I am so grateful that my husband has put money on hold for now and instead lets us make sacrificies so I can stay home with the kids. Yea you need money but I would rather get to spend these first years with my child then get to have a big screen tv, or a super nice vehicle. Brandon and Ben say to people all the time when someone says where does you mommy work. She stays at home and takes care of the whole house and us. And people say do you like that and Brandon says yes I do sometimes we dont get to get stuff but I would rather have my mommy home then a new toy. And it makes me feel good that at 5 he understands that and appreciates that. It is funny but going out with the girls is not a priority to me and people say all the time you need to go out and get away. No I dont I am 100% happy and grateful with my life right now. Sitting in front of the tv and watching a movie with my kids and husband is my perfect time. Going out to Red Lobster together as a family is the way we like it. Anyways you can see I am perfectly content today in everything I have.
I worked at a daycare for almost 3 years and that is probably what made me feel this way but it was rush rush rush with those kids in the morning. Mom or dad saying. (hurry up and give me a kiss I am late) or (gosh what a brat we do this same thing everyday) well hello maybe they miss you. Anyways I know some people have to work at that is fine but I am glad me and Josh have changed our priorities for our kids.
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Monday June 19, 2006 - 09:30am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Entry for June 19, 2006

Came across this picture had to post it, Brandon is like almost three and Ben is 1. And they were so proud of their dad because of the turkey he got.
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Monday June 19, 2006 - 09:34am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Entry for June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day. Josh got a cooler that plugs in to your cigarette lighter and keeps your food either hot or cold, a pepper mill, and a bottle of wine. He loves trying new wines. The kids were so excited. But now he gets to go work in St. Jo all day. Fun fun to work in a town you dont know.
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Sunday June 18, 2006 - 08:08am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Entry for June 17, 2006

Little Miss Faith got her ears pierced today. She did so good. She literally cried for like 45 seconds. They did both ears at the same time and I think it scared her more than hurt. Now Brandon and Ben said she cant be called a boy anymore. They get so mad when someone says oh he is so cute. They are like she is a girl not a boy.
We had a fun time at the mall today with Brandi and Brianna playing at the mall fun area. And then we went to a catfish fry at Momo and Pops busy day for the Homan kids.
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Sunday June 18, 2006 - 08:04am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Friday, June 16, 2006

Entry for June 16, 2006

Dont we just love these days in the summer. Brandon and Ben love this and since we dont have a pool, or get to go to a pool, we get to do this. We sometimes get to go to the lake and the only pool they get to be in is at swimming lessons. We are planning a trip to Omaha as soon as Brandon finishes summer school. He has two more weeks. We will stay over night just so they can swim in a pool. Brandon talks about doing that everyday. Isnt that funny how kids think staying over night at a hotel is the funnest thing they can do. We are going to go to the zoo, eat at the Spagetti factory, and stay over night. If Josh ever got a day off. He is working on this next week 20 days straight. His last day off was June 2 and his next day off isnt until June 23rd but he is already being asked to work that day. But everyday I am grateful because I get to stay home and raise my kids. So thank you Josh.
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Friday June 16, 2006 - 06:20pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Entry for June 16, 2006

Dont we just love these days in the summer. Brandon and Ben love this and since we dont have a pool, or get to go to a pool, we get to do this. We sometimes get to go to the lake and the only pool they get to be in is at swimming lessons. We are planning a trip to Omaha as soon as Brandon finishes summer school. He has two more weeks. We will stay over night just so they can swim in a pool. Brandon talks about doing that everyday. Isnt that funny how kids think staying over night at a hotel is the funnest thing they can do. We are going to go to the zoo, eat at the Spagetti factory, and stay over night. If Josh ever got a day off. He is working on this next week 20 days straight. His last day off was June 2 and his next day off isnt until June 23rd but he is already being asked to work that day. But everyday I am grateful because I get to stay home and raise my kids. So thank you Josh.
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Friday June 16, 2006 - 06:20pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Entry for June 13, 2006

Seriously I will apologize now for the rampage. But I am not a stay at home mom that sits around watching Price is Right, and the 3 hours of soap operas and Dr Phil and Oprah. While downing bon bons or a carton of icecream.
I have done more things by 10 oclock in the morning then some people do in a week. Today I got up made breakfast. (Bacon and egg muffins, fresh fruit smoothies). Then I got all of the kids ready for the day, took Brandon to school, came home and picked 2 target bags full of cherries, picked up all the toys in the back yard, picked up dog poop, and mowed the yard. After that I came in folded a load of laundry, started another load, cut up fruit and vegetables, fed Faith, made me and Ben lunch and now I am sitting down blogging about all of it.
So I am sorry and it makes me kind of annoyed when people say oh your lucky to stay home and RELAX with your kids all day. WHATEVER!!!!!
Dont get me wrong I love being home but I dont RELAX all day. And my staying home benefits alot of people not just me and my kids. If someone needs a babysitter I am home, if someone needs an errand run I am here, if someone needs phone calls made (guess what) so hello. Anyways like I said I am on a rampage today so sorry once again just had to get it all out.
Ben has been very helpful though he helped me unload the dishes and has been entertaining Faith. Poor Faith though she is going on another 5 days of not pooping. Dont know why I havent changed anything kind of frustrating though. Poor Faith.
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Tuesday June 13, 2006 - 11:30am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 12 Comments

Entry for June 13, 2006

This is Faith's favorite toy. Thank you aunt Jamie. You saved me.
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Tuesday June 13, 2006 - 11:32am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Monday, June 12, 2006

Entry for June 12, 2006
Happy Anniversary to me and Josh we have been married for 13 years. Also Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad. They have been married alot longer.
We went out for dinner last night with the kids and they were wonderful. Brandon and Ben really love going out to eat and of coarse Faith is still too little to cause any problems or embarrass us. But anyways it was wonderful. And this morning they told us both Happy Anniversary. It is so cute when your kids start understanding. Anyways going to the mall to hang out with Ben and Ryan and Jamie. So maybe we'll have some fun story for tomorrow.
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Monday June 12, 2006 - 08:49am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 5 Comments

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Entry for June 11, 2006

Ok thats not fair. I woke up this morning to Josh going um I think the kids left the van door open ALL NIGHT. Um it rained just a little bit. So at about 6:30 this morning I am outside trying to dry up as much as I can with a towel so my NEW van doesnt smell like rotten, stagnet water in a few days.
I guess sometime after Jana and Nick left last night they went outside to get a toy or something out of the van and both just came back in without closing the door. (Well that sure isnt the way to be sneaky). Anyways hopefully it will dry.
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Sunday June 11, 2006 - 08:09am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Friday, June 9, 2006

Entry for June 09, 2006
Sorry no photo again. My batteries died (too my camera) and I havent gotten to the store. I will go tonight. Been busy though. Faith had her 4 month checkup on Wednesday. She is 14 pounds 9 oz, she is 25 1/4 inches long. Getting big she is in the 75th percentile. She has two teeth that have budded so anytime. You wouldnt even know she had 4 shots if I hadnt told you because she was so good. She is now sleeping from about 7 to 8 pm till about 2 or 2:30 in the morning. Still taking a couple naps a day. She is already sitting up for brief periods without support. But still tobbles over not ready all the way.
Brandon has loved his first week of summer school and loves riding the bus. He gets up on his own every morning and cant wait to leave. We also have swimming lessons twice a week now and let me tell you the boy is ready for bed at 8:00 he is on a whole new scedule of activities these days and they are wearing him out.
Ben is really missing him but has really been enjoying his me and mommy time. He has been swimming in the small pool we have in the back yard and been helping me pick cherries. Which now I know why Washington chopped down the cherry tree. (He got tired of picking them when they were ready). Picking those cherries is a chore and everyone seems to disappear when they see the tree is full. (Except Jamie) but she tried to tell me she was scared of heights. Like I believe that miss I ride all the roller coasters and World's of Fun. Those things are scarier than a ladder. Just kidding.
Well back to the grindstone. Hopefully will have some pics tomorrow.
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Friday June 9, 2006 - 01:59pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Entry for June 06, 2006

Second day of summer school and Brandon absolutely loves it. He is getting up at the crack of dawn saying can we go now, every 15 minutes. Yesterday the bus showed up 30 minutes late so I was worried. And then I didnt see him come off the bus. He didnt think that was his stop. So that ended up fine.
Ben is missing his brother though. He has cried both morning's Brandon had to leave and when Brandon gets home he is so excited. Then after about 10 minutes they start fighting. Thats brothers.
Today me and Ben picked cherries, made banana bread and cleaned the house. Busy day.
Anyone want to go see the Omen. I would love too. Love that scary stuff.
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Tuesday June 6, 2006 - 03:03pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 8 Comments

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Entry for June 04, 2006
Can you say STRESSED OUT!!!! Sorry I havent blogged in awhile but just no time lately. I have had a very stressful week. My husband is never home and three kids can just wear a person out. Faith is teething and literally cries all the time unless I am holding her. (Even if I am holding her) she throws up on me all day and just constantly drools and of coarse you want to help console and calm her down but nothing is working.
Ben gets jealous and wants me to read him a book or 2 or 3 but you cant exactly hear the book when your baby sister is screaming so that is making him mad.
Brandon starts summer school tomorrow and he is so excited and wants to talk about it all day but again over the baby crying you cant hear much.
Anyways Josh is a sergeant in the guard and about a week before guard drill he has all this paper work to do and all of the other army men and women start calling and calling and calling the phone will ring off the hook. So we all get to go upstairs and leave him to his army stuff. Not too fun when the kids know dad is just downstairs and they cant go bother him cause he is doing his homework as we say.
Plus it doesnt help that I took a tumble down the stairs yesterday holding Faith just making sure I held onto her I think I broke my toe. It is about 3 times the size of my other one on my right foot and it is black and blue. Knocked my back out again. That happens alot lately. Cant get the house clean but you know I guess thats how it goes. You get to blog about it ,get it off you chest, and move on,Right.? So will try to have more cute pictures. And more fun things to discuss in the next few days. Hopefully we will get Brandon in front of the school tomorrow. Have a great day.
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Sunday June 4, 2006 - 07:59am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments