Monday, August 28, 2006

Entry for August 28, 2006

Can you believe this is the last week of summer. I love fall best of all but I cant believe it is already almost here. Time to make sure we have our jeans and stuff out. We could wake up one morning and it only be in the 50's crazy.
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Monday August 28, 2006 - 06:58am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 9 Comments

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Entry for August 27, 2006

Happy birthday Josh!!!
I am so glad we have such a nice sweet dog. She is a little hyper but all in all a very good gentle dog. She lets Faith pull on her and just lays their as you can see. Very good dog to have around kids. Faith is moving all over the house grabbing everything off of the floor. The other night Ben or Brandon dropped some corn on the floor. (Guess who found it) and if you walk past a plant or tree she can reach she will rip part of it off and stick it in her mouth.
Well the boys are doing pretty good with Josh being gone they actually havent given me too hard of a time yet. I think Josh was a little upset that the boys didnt really mind that Josh was leaving. But the more he is gone the easier it becomes for them to deal with it. And actually I am glad they werent throwing fits cause I really didnt want to deal with that.
My next challenge is trying to get 2 little boys a surprise party and keep it a surprise. Their big gift is a swingset for the backyard but I have to have them out of here so it can be put together so hopefully with Jamies help keeping the kids away and my mom, dad, Mark, and my brother putting it together and me decorating I hope it can all come together. And hopefully the weather will cooperate. Wish me luck if all works out hopefully I will have some awesome pictures to post next weekend.
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Sunday August 27, 2006 - 11:16am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Entry for August 24, 2006

Here are Ben and Faith playing on the kitchen floor while I am preparing our dinner for tonight. I have to do things early and make things easier for me at night. Now with soccer and swimming lessons. And then Josh goes and puts a wrench into my whole day. He calls me about 11 am and tells me that he has to leave for 2 weeks for the military TOMORROW. UMMMM hello I have two bdays coming up next weekend. Ok so now I am stressed and their big gift was suppose to be a swingset that Josh and a couple of people were going to put together for us next Friday now I dont know what I am going to do.
I guess first thing I am going to do is go bury my head in my pillow and have a good cry. No I wont be posting a picture of that.
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Thursday August 24, 2006 - 11:33am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Monday, August 21, 2006

Entry for August 21, 2006

Here is Ben waiting for the school bus on his first day of preschool. He was so excited he got right up on the bus like a big boy and smiled the whole time. And when he came back again he had that great big smile. He is so excited. Atleast I had Faith here with me to hold back the tears. Both my little boys off too school. They loved it so that helps.
We had a relaxing weekend this weekend trying to get back on a schedule. They were both so overwhelmed and exhausted that they both took a nap this weekend. The got up at the crack of dawn this morning ready to start another week. Wish me luck this week school, soccer and swimming lessons. Here we go.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Entry for August 17, 2006

This is Brandons classroom he is the only boy at his table. He also told me he made a new friend. Yea Brandon.
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Thursday August 17, 2006 - 04:06pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Entry for August 16, 2006

This was Brandons first day of kindergarten. He barely slept he was up in my room atleast 4 times that I remember. He was very nervous but also excited. We walked him to school and he was ready to go. I was more nervous then he was I almost cried but held it back.
I almost also cried when I went back to pick him up and the car pick up line went on forever. This is gonna be fun to do everyday. They gave up little color coated cards until we all get use to doing this. And they get use to knowing each parent.
When he got home he was so exhausted he could have laid down and took a nap but we dont want to get use to that. A few more days of this scedule and he will be fine. If anything I will just put him to bed a little earlier. Now comes trying to juggle soccer 2 to 4 times per week, swimming twice a week and homework. May take a while but we will get it.
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Thursday August 17, 2006 - 04:05pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Entry for August 15,2006

This was our last day before school started so we decided to have a fun day. We made some jello dirt cups. Chocolate yum yum this family loves their chocolate.
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Thursday August 17, 2006 - 03:58pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Monday, August 14, 2006

Entry for August 14, 2006

Ok so I cant believe the types of things they now consider school supplies. We went today to get Bens school supplies which we need for tomorrow evening which we just got the supply list in the mail Friday evening, which meant we had to get out with all the other crazy wait till the last minute people.
So we go to Hellmart and look for 20 minutes for a specific 1 1/2 inch view pocket binder, we had to get snack plates, napkins, paper towels. Then we just last night got a call from Brandons new soccer coach to tell us practices will be Monday evening (tonight) and Saturday mornings. Um hello (did I mention I dont do last minute).
Also the guy who was suppose to start on Faiths room this past Saturday never would answer his phone when we called. Found out he got fired after he completed our job this last Wednesday so now we are trying to find someone to do her room. We really like him and he did really good work but I guess because he took 2 weeks longer to complete our job he lost the construction company some money. Oh my gosh like they didnt make a ton of money off us as it is. But you know have to have the 500,000 dollar home. Anyways tonight we get to meet Brandon teacher and tomorrow night we get to meet Bens so I guess all in all things are falling together.
We also got little Miss Faiths 6 month picture taken today. She had a 15 minute nap and was all smiles for all 8 poses.
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Monday August 14, 2006 - 03:31pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Entry for August 10, 2006

Well we took Faith for her 6 month checkup. She is above average in everything. She weighs 16.5 pounds, she is 27 inches long. She is already crawling, rolling over both ways, sitting up with a little support, and she has the go ahead to eat whatever. So we are good to go. She got 4 shots so we will see how the day goes. So far so good.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Entry for August 09, 2006
Sorry no picture today just words from me. Jana is borrowing my digital camera because somebody broke theirs. They better not break mine.
THEY ARE DONE WITH OUR CONSTRUCTION. Thank goodness and no Josh still doesnt have a day off in sight. And he also proceeds to tell me that they are doing another round of sending National Guard to Iraq. Ok so if it isnt one thing it is another. I dont know about this. But anyways will get off for now time to figure out how I am going to try and get this painting done on my own with 3 kids under my feet.
Josh has told several people we are having a painting party but nobody is RSVPing.
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Wednesday August 9, 2006 - 04:34pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 3 Comments

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Entry for August 08, 2006

Rear front entrance
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Tuesday August 8, 2006 - 09:45am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Entry for August 08, 2006

Well this is the new front entrance and new back entrance. It will be eventually painted but not for awhile next project. But supposedly everything will be done today. And i can start doing laundry probably tomorrow or the next day. They have to seal the floor and then it takes however long to dry.
Also I finally got ahold of Bens school. Still dont know all the details but I now know what days and what time he will be going. So now if I could just find out what supplies he needs.
So next I will start to tackle the rest of their school clothes. And after school starts I will start to tackle painting with a six month old. We will see what happens.
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Tuesday August 8, 2006 - 10:00am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 3 Comments

Monday, August 7, 2006

Entry for August 07, 2006

Ok things around here are way too crazy lately. I was up half the night with all three kids. Brandon was having growing pains so he was up twice, Ben is scared of the shadows on his wall so he was up every hour from about 11:00 till about 4:30, and little miss Faith decided she was going to do one or two teeth at one time she decided she wanted 4 to come in. Plus school starts next Wed, for Brandon and next Thurs or Friday for Ben (no I still dont know exactly when) which is one of the big problems I am dealing with. And I also found out Ben needs school supplies I just dont know what yet. Um hello. I am not a last minute person I do not deal well with stress like that. And it doesnt help that my husband has had only one day off in the last 4 weeks and that day was spent running around all day long trying to get the things to finish our mudroom.
Which leads me to another gripe they still arent done. But it doesnt help if you decide to get drunk and not come in to work. They are kicking butt today so maybe by tomorrow or Wednesday. And those of you with kids no how hard it is to gather the kids and the laundry and have to go somewhere else to wash it. And it also isnt too cool when you dont have a ton of clothes and can only do laundry once a week or week and a half when you are use to doing it daily.
And our lawn hasnt been mowed in almost a month. My poor husband comes home drenched from work and his so overheated that he cant even eat dinner for a couple of hours. So in order not to make more stress for him you all get to listen to all my gripes. Hehe sorry. You wouldnt want my head to explode. Would you? Anyways that is why the pics and blogs have been so limited lately.
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Monday August 7, 2006 - 02:01pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 6 Comments

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Entry for August 03, 2006

So we have been super busy lately. Sorry no updates or pics for awhile. Faith is eating like a big girl we started her on rice cereal and she loves eat. It seems as though she will be a very good eater. Ben of coarse wanted to be in the picture.
School starts in like 14 days and I am having mixed emotions. On one hand Brandon is a older kindergarten student because he will be 6 in September and had to wait so he is sooooooo ready for school. Somedays I am like just go find something to do but on the other hand once this cycle starts that is it.
Ben on the other hand I still have no idea when he starts preschool what time he goes, who his teacher is it is kind of driving me crazy.
And the mudroom/new addition is driving me nuts we were told it would be done in 3 weeks. This is now almost the end of week 4 and he is still saying maybe next Wednesday. So who knows. What is keeping me so busy is having to go do my laundry somewhere else every 3 to 4 days. And the more overtime Josh works the more clothes he goes through the more laundry that piles up. UUUGGGGHHHH> Anyways doesnt seem like anyone really missed out on too much so hopefully I will be having a new room finished soon and then you can hear me gripe about the mess I make with the paint. Something to look forward too. Have a nice day!!!!!

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Thursday August 3, 2006 - 10:52am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 5 Comments