Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Entry for July 25, 2007

Well the first part of our day was fun. We went to Chucky Cheese this morning and everyone had a blast. Then we came home did the quiet time/nap time. Then it was almost time for the girls to go home when boom. One of the little girl smacked into Faith and knocked her smack into the corner part of the trim and blood was everywhere. Head wounds always bleed alot anyways. The little girl who knocked her down screamed and was freaking out. Of coarse she felt terrible. Then I am like go home and tell your dad I need to go to the hospital. Packed Brandon, Ben and Faith up and headed to the ER. Poor baby had to get 5 stitches but all in all she was a good sport. The nurses could not BELIEVE how I was able to keep her so calm. Well if you have been through any of what I have been through when Ben was a baby you would be good at keeping a child calm also. Anyways here is my little baby girl with her first set of stitches, and of coarse it had to be on her face. Hope that will be the end of that.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Entry for July 24, 2007

Faith is definately a girly girl. Which is kind of something I am not use to since I first had two boys. And Brandon and Ben are all boy. Mud, bugs, fighting. All of it.
We bought Faith some cute jammies the other day, because she just will not cover up with a blanket and she wakes up at night sometimes cold. So she just thinks she is the cutest thing walking around in her girly pajamas. Also my sister gave us a little tikes vanity and Faith sits down at it gets some barrettes, a brush or pick or whatever and (fixes her hair) she will also get the lotion and rub it on her while she looks at herself in the mirror it is too cute.
She is already trying to get me to potty train her. She is not even 18 months yet. She went into the bathroom took off her diaper, put the potty seat on the big potty, got herself up on the potty and went. Then got herself down and went to the sink to try and wash her hands. If I wasnt babysitting right now I would probably dive right in on this one but we are always on the go. Maybe after school starts. I would love to stop buying diapers.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Entry for July 23, 2007

Well we finally got to have a little quality family time this weekend. Josh was off Saturday so we headed out to Smithville lake they swam for a little bit. I was quite cool but nice to get away. Then we went and fed the carp and let the kids eat an icecream. Faith fed the fish too and loved it. She lost her shoe to the carp also. It fell in and nobody wanted to stick their hand in their with all those slurping, sliding, slimy fish. Oh well. Gives a chance to go shoe shopping. Then we hit a few thrift shops which was actually pretty fun. We got Brandon about 5 pairs of pants and a coat. The coat was only 1.98 and it looks like it was never worn. We got Ben a pair of pants and Faith a pair of pants, Josh got some slacks and a pair of rollerblades. He tried them on when we got home. If that wasnt hilarious. But its great that he wants to be involved with the kids like that. (making memories).
He had to go in to work for awhile on Sunday so I took that time to do lots of laundry, clean the house, and do all the running. Exhausting but fun filled weekend. And the best thing. (Jamie dont be mad) I have my school shopping done. I am so glad one less stress for me. Now its back to the grind. Think this week we will hit the cheap movie and maybe go out to Chucky Cheese. Not too much more summer left for us. Better make it fun.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Entry for July 19, 2007

Yeah today is my Friday and I am so happy. this week has been so overwhelming. I love the summer cause I get to spend it with my kids. Not having to get up at a certain time, not having to be ready at a certain time, not having to be somewhere at a certain time but we dont get that this year. Thats ok though, it hasnt been too awful. Most days have been ok. I have the kids outside this morning cause it looks like rain and we know how kids that are couped up all day act. So they are outside waking the neighbors. Oh well when you live on a street with kids. Most of my neighbors are 40 and up so they are all up early.
Anyways I am going to take some of my money I worked so hard to earn and take the kids to the mall tomorrow and do some school shopping, let them play for a bit and maybe Josh will come up and meet us for lunch. It will be nice getting to hang out with my 3. And hopefully we will run into some good sales. I heard Sears, Old Navy and Children's Place where all having sales so maybe we can stretch the dough a little bit. Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Entry for July 18, 2007

Man its getting hot!!!! We had to take some time out to cool down a little. We decided to hit the water park this morning. We go early before all the big kids get out so little Faith doesnt get trampled. She is starting to warm up to the fact that getting wet with cold water is actually fun. We just have a measly little plastic pool in the back yard and the water in that doesnt stay cold too long. Kind of been an exhausting week cause all the kids seem to be in a MOOD and they are picking on each other and literally driving me nuts.
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Wednesday July 18, 2007 - 11:10am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 5 Comments

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Entry for July 12, 2007

We are having a pretty fun summer so far. But I am kind of STRESSING out because as of yesterday I realized that school starts in 5 weeks. (are you kidding me). Anyways I have got to get going on some things. I did go last weekend and get the boys each some levis. Toys R Us is having a really good sale on some school clothes. So I got them some jeans, backpacks and lunchboxes. So its a start. Got to kind of spread it out a bit when you are shopping for 3 kiddos.
This is a picture of the little girls Olivia and Nora that have joined us for the summer and my kiddos at the petty zoo. I watch them Monday thru Friday. They are really pretty good and mind very well for the most part. They do try to get away with things every once in awhile just like all kids at one time or another do.
I am definately on my feet all day long. I watch them and then after they leave I have to take care of my daily things I use to get done during the day. Yesterday I did all my cleaning after they left. Its funny how much you get done when you HAVE to get it done. And how much you procrastinate when you dont have a time limit. But since I babysit all week long I dont want to spend my weekend cleaning and stuff.
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Thursday July 12, 2007 - 10:33am (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 7 Comments

Monday, July 2, 2007

Entry for July 02, 2007

Millie and Faith act like they are best friends. Whenever they see each other they squeal out in excitement and hug each other like they missed each other so much. And they also play together. Millie acts like the big sister. She makes sure if she has a drink, Faith has one too. If she has a cookie, she makes sure Faith has one too. If she has a ball, she gets one for Faith. It is so cute.
My day has been insane. I am now babysitting until school starts. So I will have kids from about 8ish until about 3ish everyday. Well I also watched Jessica's kids this evening so I am so exhausted. She wont be here to pick her kids up till about 11. So I am worn out and it is only 7. Man I dont know if I can handle this. Think positive all the money I make will go to buy school clothes, backpacks, winter coats, shoes ect. Maybe that will keep me going.
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Monday July 2, 2007 - 07:00pm (CDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments