Sunday, December 31, 2006

Entry for December 31, 2007

Not that great of a picture. But my friend Brandi and her daughter Brianna came and had dinner and we exchanged gifts. Brandon got a Furby, Ben got some Dora/Diego playdoh, Faith got some weebles, Josh got some choc and schnapps, and I got a basket full of coffees. We had a blast the kids picked up like it hadnt been months. That was great. Still didnt make it till Midnight though. Not that strong.
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Monday January 1, 2007 - 08:12am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Can we rest now?

Well this is the first time I have had since Christmas Eve. We had a WONDERFUL time. We have been everywhere and done everything. We got back from Josh's parents yesterday afternoon and had to jump back into our lives. The house was a super mess. We opened presents Christmas Day here and then off we went to grandmas and poppy's. The boys had fun and wwwaaayy too much sugar and not enough sleep. We are paying now. Ben has had a fever and a really bad cough since we got back home. Hope it goes away after some much needed rest. Trying to clean the house we will have alot of company over the next two weeks. Alot going on. This is a picture of Faith acting like she is driving we were stopping for gas. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year and actually makes a resolution they can stick with. Me and Josh are.
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Thursday December 28, 2006 - 06:12pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Faith's 1st Christmas!!!!!

She loved every minute of it. And she knew how to open a present. No help needed from us.
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Thursday December 28, 2006 - 06:21pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Entry for November 26, 2006

Well here it is complete. And it only took me hhhhmmmm 5 whole days. But that is ok it is beautiful to look at for the next few weeks. And now I have somewhere besides my closet to put some gifts. I once again let myself get overwhelmed and finally just dug in. I got the tree up, the downstairs cleaned, and the laundry caught up. It is so easy to get overwhelmed taking care of five people in this house. I literally do it all most days. Brandon and Ben are starting to help a little. But just because I stay home I dont want it to be all about cleaning all the time. I stay home to be with my kids to spend time playing games, reading books, having pillow fights, making tents in the living room. I need to keep reminding myself of that. That is what the kids are gonna remember.
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Sunday November 26, 2006 - 05:26pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Entry for December 21, 2006

Brandon had his "Winter Festival" program last night. It was crazy but cute. There are 275 students in his school and only 700 people could fit where the program was being held. Over 1400 people wanted to come so they had to divide the program in half. The total program (all grades) was to be from 6:30 until 7:45. We were leaving at 7:45. Hope everyone got there homework done before hand. Any ways each class sang three songs. Brandon did very well except while seated he doesnt like to sit still for too long. He has decided he doesnt like wearing a tie it chokes him.
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Thursday December 21, 2006 - 08:25am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I use to be able to like leave her in a room by herself and do what I needed to. Not now she can get into anything now. This morning I was getting ready for the day and we have a gate upstairs to keep her from falling down the stairs. So all of a sudden it is quiet and I go look for her. She had gotten on her belly flat and crawled under the gate. Not good we have like 12 steps so now gotta fix that one. In this drawer I use to keep my aluminum foil. Not now. And she is like thinking she is getting away with something. Sneaky sneaky.
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Wednesday December 20, 2006 - 11:47am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Monday, December 18, 2006

Entry for December 18, 2006
What a way to start the week. First nothing like getting started late in the morning. Had a million phone calls to make. Josh has to scedule all of his vacation before January, so that means I have to scedule all appointments early too. Had to scedule yearly appoinments, dentist appointments, and anything I need to do while Josh has a sceduled day off. At his work you have to have proof you sceduled something in order for them to let you keep your day off when the time comes. Crazy I know.
Then I get a phone call from Brandons school at 11:30 (4th call this year) that he has fallen on his face from the monkey bars. Well I talked him in to staying which I didnt see what he looked like, then felt bad when I picked him up from school. His whole side of his face is bruised and scratched up. Glad it happened at school no telling what they would think happened to him if it happened at home. And now the poor guy has a headache. And its only Monday. I have a swimming lessons tomorrow, a christmas party tomorrow, a Christmas program Wed, swimming lessons Thursday, a christmas party thursday, and lots and lots of cooking. Whew man I'm tired. Tis the season.
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Monday December 18, 2006 - 04:49pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The finished product

MMMMMMMM!! Yummy!! Well we finished them dont they look good enough to eat. Lacy and Ben did the one on the right and me, Brandon, and Ryan did the one on the left. Ok I did the one on the left. Brandon and Ryan just kept sampling the candy. The candy was not all that good. It was gumballs, gumdrops, and these little hard round pieces of candy that about broke your tooth when you bit into it. But it was fun.
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Sunday December 17, 2006 - 08:11am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Relax!!! And have a Merry Christmas
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Saturday December 16, 2006 - 07:35am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Entry for December 16,2006

Making our gingerbread trees.
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Sunday December 17, 2006 - 08:07am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Friday, December 15, 2006

Entry for December 15, 2006

I have a weekend "Full" of kids. Every cousin but 2 will make an appearance at my house sometime this weekend. But it will be fun. I dont consider it babysitting when it is your own family. I just consider that spending time. Brandon and Ben are so excited we have the weekend pretty much planned out. Lots of movies, we will be making gingerbread trees, spend some time outside since it is suppose to be super nice, have some pizza, eat popcorn. Should be a fun time had by all.
Right now as you can see I have Max and Millie. Max is swinging with his sword. He loves coming to his "friends" house cause we have lots of swords and light sabers available.
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Friday December 15, 2006 - 09:53am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments
Santa's Phone #
Here is Santa's phone # if anyone is interested. It is a recording. Really cute.
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Friday December 15, 2006 - 05:04pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Entry for December 12, 2006

Well here is our Santa family gift. Santa got a super good deal on it. Funny thing is we didnt realize that we even wanted it. Funny how things like that sometimes fall in your lap.
Things have been kinda crazy around here lately but isnt that life. Brandon got hurt pretty bad last Friday at school. He fell off and over about 6 steps and got the wind knocked out of him and a scratched and bruised up back so I spent Friday watching him and making sure things were ok. Then we have been trying to unjunk the toy room and get rid of broken or incomplete toys to make room for what Santa might bring.
Yesterday on one of Josh's few and far between days off we spent the first part doing errands and things that are hard for me to do alone and he spent the latter part of the day shopping for "yours truly". He doesnt have another day off until I think Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Things are looking kind of yucky for him cause 3 people are off the same week before Christmas and his vacation starts the week of Christmas so he may or may not end up with that weekend off. We shall see how it works.
As far as our Santa family gift that will come in super handy for me. I have to "sit" and wait alot these days and that will be really nice to have for Ben and eventually Faith. Also we are planning a couple of long distance trips in the near future and also will be mighty handy for those. Hope everyone is getting their shopping done. Only what like "12" more shopping days. Yea. I am so excited.
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Tuesday December 12, 2006 - 12:49pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments

Friday, December 8, 2006

Entry for December 08, 2006

Ok horrible timing. But very cute picture. I have been waiting on this picture so I could send it out in my Christmas cards. I sent my cards out Wednesday. If I only could have waited 2 more days. Isnt he CUTE?
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Friday December 8, 2006 - 03:07pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Entry for December 07, 2006

So Brandon once again is doing a fundraiser for school. This time it is the Major Saver card. They obviously got them super pumped up at school cause he runs in the house mom I have to sell this, if I sell this many I get this, If I sell this many I get that. On and on. Well if he sells 20 he gets a limo ride so of coarse he wants that. Well I think we have sold 3. So he takes the paper to school and whoever sold cards first they got something special for that. Well I guess they didnt expect someone to bring their paper back that fast so they didnt have the special prize at school yet. So Brandon comes home and told me he got "screwed". So Josh proceeds to explain to Brandon he didnt get "screwed" that he just needs to be patient. That one kept us laughing for awhile. Then he comes home yesterday and wants to buy presents for everyone in his class. Yea sure buddy there is only 23 kids in your class. Then Ben tells me I am mean cause I wont "let" him go to school. He only gets to go 2 days a week if he could go more I would let him. But you know its all mommy's fault. So all morning I have been hearing. Mommy thats not fair bubby gets to go to school all the time and I dont. Your so mean. Kinda cute a first but now not so much.
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Thursday December 7, 2006 - 10:39am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Did You Say Cheese!!!

I love cheese!!!!!
Faith is almost 10 months old. I cant Believe she has been here almost a year. She is such a good baby. She hardly ever cries. When she wakes up in the morning she starts jabbering. Just like everyone else starts talking in the morning she is right in there. It is so cute cause she looks around for daddy every morning then when she hears Ben and Brandon she looks for them. And she literally trys to have a conversation with everyone. Then we go downstairs to make breakfast and she gets a banana every morning so as soon as I turn on the kitchen light she looks for the banana. I have a basket that hangs from the ceiling that I keep my fruit in. I walk over there and she gets her own banana. And forget about it if we are out, she starts pointing her finger and yelling. I cant believe her independence already. Same with cheese if I open the refrigerator door she points her finger and wants me to pick her up so she can grab herself a piece of cheese. Help me now. If she is this demanding now I am scared for 13. Maybe the rumors are true.
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Thursday December 7, 2006 - 11:05am (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Entry for December 06, 2006

Well today I am feeling more in the Christmas spirit. Thanks to my wonderful son Brandon who keeps me grounded. He says to me this morning. (He really cares about others and is super sensitive to others needs). Mommy they are asking us if we can bring something non-parishable to school for other people so they can have a Christmas dinner like we get. So he picked out a can of corn, and a can of ravioli. I need to keep that in mind some people have NOTHING and so what if I cant afford that new pair of shoes. It could be worse. Nothing like being taught that from a six year old.
Anyways we go see Santa last night and Brandon just kept staring at him like he wanted to yank his beard, or maybe like he was trying to figure Santa out. I dont know. Ben told him EVERYTHING he wanted and Faith just stared like what, and who the heck is this guy. But the picture is cute. We walked around the mall and looked at all the stuff we would "like" to have, had some Chinese from Panda Express, and went and got a treat from the candy store. It was a very wonderful evening. Then we looked at Christmas lights on the way home. Got home just in time for a dunk in the bathtub and a quick story and off to bed.
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Wednesday December 6, 2006 - 12:44pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Bah Hum bug!!!!
I am just not in a very Christmasy mood lately. I have been sick for about 3 days now. Everytime I get the flu shot, I mysteriously end up sick. (What are they putting in my shot). Plus we still havent made it out to see Santa because my husband works all the time. And I really dont want to attack that one by myself. And I have had no volunteers to help me out. Plus we have all these taxes and financial things coming up. Why does it all have to be taken care of at the same time as Christmas. It is kind off @@@ backwards if you ask me. Plus I just finished hanging up my Christmas lights today. (yes you heard right, I finished hanging them up) cause as I said before Josh is never home. So here I am with my 102 fever, I cant get into the doctor and I dont want to pay 50 bucks at one of those, pharmacy stores. Nor can I afford to pay that. So I am trying to keep it away from the rest of the family cause you know how the rest of the family gets when they are sick. You cant be sick, but everyone else it laying on the couch belting out what kind of soup they want, and can you turn the tv channel for them, and on, and on. So now that I blogged about it maybe I can get this out of my system and get happier. Thanks for listening.
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Tuesday December 5, 2006 - 02:22pm (CST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 4 Comments