Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ben's last day of Preschool

Today was so much fun. Ben had a blast. I got the opportunity to go up to his school for his last day. He got to play in the sprayer park, he had his face painted and blew bubbles, he rode bikes, played in the sand box and jumped through a sprinker.

He took flowers to school today for his teachers and gave a little gift to his bus driver. What a fun day. Now its time to get ready for summer school. Ben is going to be in Kindergarten oh my goodness.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So I get a phone call from the principle and I am like no way, there is only a day and a half left of school. The principle says I have some good news but I have a question first. Is Brandon going to be at school on Thursday and Friday. I said yes he says well then he is the only student in the whole school with perfect attendance. And he proceeds to tell me he is going to make him a certificate, announce it over the intercom and maybe do something else special. The principle was really proud of him and Brandon was so excited his face just lit up.

I made chicken enchiladas for Jana and Nick for dinner and a cheesecake and since I was already making it I made it for us too. Brandon and Ben had invited Nora and Brendan to eat here with us and I didnt know. So we almost didnt have enough but we improvised and it worked out great. These four really get along good most of the time.

I went outside to look at my irises and I mostly have purple and couple of like a brownish but then I saw this lovely white one all by itself. I thought it was so beautiful in with all the other colors. I am glad I caught because Josh parks his truck right there and sometimes I dont notice them. So the school just called and due to the make up snow days we have to go to school and extra 30 minutes on Friday. Too funny.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I am so ready to have a whole night of unbroken sleep. With Faith being sick since last Thursday I have not had hardly any sleep I feel like a zombie. But finally she is better now she just has a cough remaining. I am keeping up the breathing treatments just to be on the safe side. She finishes her antibiotic tomorrow. Brandon started not feeling too good Saturday night but I think his is just a small cold. We hope. Josh has now completed my mud room. I was still needing some storage and some doors installed to close it off, also I needed a door to cover my breaker box. It is all complete except I need to paint the door.

The kids came home from the bowling alley on Sunday and we had a turtle in our back yard. They played with it for a couple of hours and then we took it out to the nature santuary. I really didnt want to have to deal with a pet turtle. But it was somebodys pet cause their was a name on the turtle in fingernail polish.

Today we got to finally meet Makenna in person. She is Faiths favorite person right now. Faith did really good with her. She really thinks she is a doll though. It was a really nice visit despite the lovely rainy weather.

Ben only has 2 days of school left. Brandon has 4. Ben gets to have a fun day on Thursday that I am going to get to go to, thanks to Brandi hanging out with Faith. Brandon has field day tomorrow, he is going to love that hopefully the weather cooperates for both of their days.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What a night. My poor baby girl. Ben had croup last Friday the doctor said it wasnt bad and gave him one dose of a steroid and said things should be fine. Well Ben was kind of crabby for a couple of days but all in all not too bad. Well then Monday me and Faith kind of started feeling icky. I had a sore throat, sore neck, kind of tired feeling. Faith was just kind of crabby. Then yesterday I started sneezing, throat still hurt, tired. Faith started that croupy barking cough and was running a fever. Well we just kind of dealt with it. I went to bed about 10:30, Faith woke up at about 11:30 she couldnt catch her breath, throwing up, wheezing, coughing, burning up. Scared me half to death. I took her to the hospital at around 2:00 am. They gave her a breathing treatment and did xrays. Poor thing has pneomonia and an ear infection in her left ear, plus croup. They were going to admit her but her oxygen levels went up and her heart rate slowed down and her fever went down. We finally left there at around 5:45 I dropped her prescriptions off and ran by lamars. Now I wont have to worry about breakfast for the boys and I will pick her prescriptions up around 9:00 just in time to do another treatment. They sent me home with 3 prescriptions. I have to give her a breathing treatment every 4 to 6 hours and if anything gets worse get her back up there and they will admit her. Oh my gosh. She is now sleeping. SSSSSHHHHH nobody make any noise. Now I get to try and make it through the day on just 45 minutes of sleep. Hopefully a nap will be available for me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Congratulations Jana and Nick!!!

Makenna Adison Koehler made her debut today at a little after 12:57 am by c-section. She weighed 7lb 5 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. Despite all the worry she was born with just a minor cleft lip which should be taken care of very easily says the doctor. She was born 2 weeks early but still had an awesome weight. Congrats guys she is beautiful.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Congratulations Ben!!!!

Tonight was Ben's preschool graduation. It was so much fun and so cute. We were way in the back though and could not see very well. We got there 3 minutes before it started. We had a lot of stuff going on after school. I left the house with dinner still sitting out on the counter. I was sitting at the graduation wondering if I turned off the burner. They sang three songs Ben really got into all of them. Then after that they had each teacher go up and called the kids for that class one at a time, they could either hug the teacher, shake her hand or give her a high five. There were lots of tears from kids and teachers. Afterwards we took Ben to Maggie Moos and he picked a bubble gum icecream with oreos mixed in. Yummy (not) but he loved it.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What a fantastic weekend. Friday was the school carnival. It was alot of fun the PTA really did an awesome job. We had several inflatable things, lots of bean bag toss, and fishing and games like that, face painting. Lots of food goodies. The kids had a blast.

Saturday Brandon, Ben, and Josh went out to the lake for the boyscout family day/camp out. Me, Brandi, Faith, and Brianna went up on the square for the Heritage Festival we got to eat lots of yummy food and walked around and looked at all the crafts. They had alot of really nice things up there but many things were priced way too high. Brandon is pouting because he wanted to ride in the boat but they ran out of time. He got to shoot bb's, and he got to do the bow and arrow. Faith and I went out around 4 and visited and then had dinner and watched the advancement ceremony. He is now a wolf and so excited. We then had to leave Faith got a little restless.
I got these pansy's up at the festival. I thought they were so beautiful they are like black. The lady only had 2 available so me and Brandi each grabbed one. People were walking by looking for them themselves but they were too late. Also Faith got her first pony ride and loved it. She went off with the guy and didnt look back. She is so easy going sometimes its kind of scary.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a nice week. I have been trying to do alot of yard work. Josh usually does that but with all the work, school, boyscouts. He just took his final on Wednesday and has decided to take off the summer and the fall. Work is just overwhelming him so I understand he needs a break. I have gotten all of my flower pots planted with things and my iris's are going to bloom any second. Plus my peonies. I need the calming effect of the flowers. It has been so loud around here lately. Several people on my street having been doing things to their houses for months and it is just about ready to drive me nuts. This week a couple of the neighbors across the street are putting in new driveways and sidewalks. Man it has been loud. Plus they have been completely blocking the whole street. I had to walk down the street this morning and wait for the bus because there is no way she could have backed all the way back down. Well I guess she could have but I am not that mean. Then I had to walk Brandon to school cause I couldnt get out of my driveway. I dont mind walking but I hope they are finally done. They started in this morning at 6:00 am too early for that noise.

Tomorrow is the school carnival, and Saturday is the family boyscout campout. Brandon will graduate to a wolf. He is so excited. Me and Faith arent going to camp out I dont think she would like staying over night. Plus we only have a 3 person tent. But I will go to the dinner and the awards ceremony. I think me and FAith will hit the square on Saturday and look at the crafts and eat some not so healthy food.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ben came home today with a Mother's Day gift for me. They made the moms sugar cookies. The note on the outside said

I made this gift, Mom, Just for you, Because you're spcial And I love you, too! No need to water it, For it can't grow. It's just something To let you know... I'm thinking of you On your special day! Happy Mother's Day!

He also made me a card the first line says What is a mother ? His answer was just a mom.

The next line says My mom's favorite thing to do is? His answer was she likes to keep her house and garden beautiful. The last line said I love my mom because she, his answer was she likes when I jump off the trampoline and dont get hurt.

I think I started something bad all Faith wants to do is watch Dora, when it goes off she cries until I put it back on. She already answer the questions and stuff. It is really cute. I guess it is ok she does actually learn something with Dora.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What a week. This week is teacher appreciation week. So everyday is something. Brandon goes in early on Wednesday so he took a gift to his teacher yesterday so he could give it to her without distractions. So cute she really loved it. Friday is a teacher luncheon so I have to remember to make my dish I want it to be nice and warm when I take it so I have to try and time it just right. Josh's duty starts Friday so guess he went be home on Mother's Day. Now how does he always time that just right. I cant believe the end of the year is here. The kids have so much going on the next couple of weeks. Ben will have his preschool graduation, they have the school carnival, Field Day. They want me to volunteer for some of this stuff but we will see. I do still have little Faith to deal with, so I dont know how much I can help them.

Brandon made me a flower pot and planted some seeds in it and got me a little purple shovel. They did this at boyscouts on Wednesday, he also made me a photo album. Very wonderful gifts.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

OMG that took forever. But I am now officially done moving all of my blogs and pictures over. Hopefully I dont have to do that again. But it was really fun to see everything I have blogged about. When I first started Faith was only 3 months and now she is 27 months. So much has changed. And Ben and Brandon looked really little. Definately wish things would slow down a bit. It all goes too fast.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

What a fun evening. Thanks alot girls!!! We went to Dave and Busters and ate and played some games. The food was so good. I think we all cleaned our plates. Jamie even ate off of other people's plates. Hehe. We all had a yummy drink. Juliana is really good at basketball and Jamie is really good at bowling. We then found the game that won us the most tickets. I won 250 tickets but then it didnt give it to me. Jamie called someone over for me but I dont think he believed me. He gave me the tickets anyways. We all then went and picked out prizes for our kids. Yes even on our girls night we thought about our kids. We were missing one person though sniff sniff, but maybe she can join us next time. Anyways that was so much fun guys and I hope we can do it again soon.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

So little Miss Faith is doing pretty good with potty training. She has been dry except for maybe 3 times in the last week or so. But its the #2 we are having issues with. She knows just when to go when I cant get to her. Like while I am in the shower, or on the treadmill, or while she is outside playing. So I am really watching her lately. I got her this morning but I just made her mad. I guess as long as she knows I am watching her. Aunt Jamie gave Faith some Bob the builder pullsups and Faith really likes that. (whatever works huh). Anyways she says mommy not pee on Bob. And then we rush to the potty. We will get there before we know it. She is relaxing with Blue this morning.