Saturday, August 30, 2008

So the kids finished their second week of school. Ben absolutely loves everything about it. Brandon on the other hand is having a few issues. We are trying to work on those.
The kids had a very fun filled week though. Brandon went to his first Chiefs game, he also got to ride derby cars at boyscouts. We decided this year we are going to give skate night a try the first one is on Bens birthday. They arent the best skaters but I figure, they will figure it all out if we just go. I sent out their birthday invitations for their party next Sunday. I am freaking out that Brandon and Ben are going to be 8 and 6. It just seems crazy. They each invited 4 friends and we are doing the movies. I ordered Brandon cupcakes for him to take to school and will order Ben cookies. But I am making their cupcakes for their party. It is going to be a fun week for the kids. Josh got me a new laptop but as you can see a certain someone has taken over it. Brandon loves to be on the computer. Poor little Faith has a cold and has not had the best week. But she is getting better. A long weekend and 2 barbecues for us. Should be a fun weekend.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What a weekend. It started out super early for me on Saturday so I could go give plasma. Faith decided she wasn't going to do the whole childcare thing so I had to make other arrangments and went at the crack of dawn on Saturday got there and was still there at 10:45. This thing isnt being made easy for me. First the girl took too much plasma out of me so they had to make sure I wasnt gonna pass out and she like ruined my right arm. I have a bruise that take up probably 5 inches of my arm. Cheese the things you do for a little extra cash.
The rest of the day got better. Josh and Brandon had to go to make plans with boyscouts for the year and Ben got to go to Airzone for a birthday party. Me and Faith grabbed a nap since I was so out of it. Then on Sunday Brandon got to go to the airshow and Ben got to go to Build a Bear for another birthday party. They were so exhausted last night they went right to sleep. Also Ben is now a bike rider. It took me about 2 evenings an hour each night and off he went.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First day of 2nd grade and kindergarten

So off they went. It wasnt the best morning cause Brandon wanted to go to school looking like a big slob and that is not allowed. So we had issues with that. We were out late last night cause we wanted to have a special dinner and had to wait for Josh to get back. We got home around 8:30 and then had to take baths and stuff. Got the kids to bed around 9:30 which is late for them. But they went right to sleep.
Brandon was a little nervous and didnt talk much on the way to school. But when we got to his classroom he went right in and started doing his work. Ben on the otherhand was SUPĂ‹R nervous. He started out running to school and half way there he slowed down, halfway farther he was behind me. Then when we were waiting outside he was like mommy I dont know where to go in a panic. I walked him to class and his little lip started quivering. So I said have a good day, told him how proud I was, and went ahead and left. I know he will do great.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

So we have some extremely happy boys in this house. We decided this year for the boys birthday we would get them bikes. Well with the help of our friend Maddie who found us some 20% off coupons.
We had nowhere to hide the bikes and they were so a good deal we had to get them early. They only had three left and werent getting anymore until after Christmas. So here they are a couple weeks early with there presents.

Faith wanted to take a picture of her self. She was so excited for her bubbies. She will get Bens old bike so she is completely happy. And of coarse she has no idea about any of this stuff yet. Happy early birthday Brandon and Ben.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The kids snuck my camera when I wasnt looking so these are some pictures they took. Ben was so embarrassed with this one he asked who this was. So funny.
Faith is in love with her baby dolls. As you can see she likes to write on them also.
Here is Olivia with her connects masterpiece.
And Ben with his.
And Faith will always pose for a picture. I am kind of having mixed feelings right now. I have had Ben home with me in the afternoons since he started preschool and now he will be gone from 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday. He is really excited. It will just be me and Faith. I have lots to keep me busy though. I will be donating plasma on Mondays and Fridays. I will watch Makenna on Wednesdays. And I will be helping the kindergarten teacher with things on some Tues. and Thursday. Plus the everyday stuff that goes on at home anyways. Today is my last day of watchig the girls. It has been a busy fast summer. I figured. I would splurge a little today and get some taco bell for everyone.

Friday, August 8, 2008

So Faith is getting more use to Makenna being here, she now likes to be around her.
All the kids are so in love with her they really helped me this past week they just sat and talked to her and all took turns holding her. I think both and and Makenna are starting to get use to each other. She doesnt get to nap in this house though. It is too loud and active. Not for much longer though school starts in a week.
Ben took this picture of Faith as she watched scooby doo so he told me to put this one on here.

We have been super busy the past couple of weeks. We have gotten all of our school shopping done. We have gotten Brandon and Bens bday party planned. We are going to do the movie theater this year and we are going to see Clone Wars. We have went to the water park, and went bowling, we went to Chucky Cheese. Ben got an a ok on his ear since his surgery and now can go swimming again. I have also started my new job of giving Plasma. Hopefully I can do that as long as possible. The money can definately help. But always make sure you go to the bathroom before you start. Even if you think you dont need too. Not fun. No I didnt pee in my pants but I was pretty darn close. Way to close. So embarrasing. I will not do that again.

Friday, August 1, 2008

No Tax Weekend

So we decided to go out and do some school shopping today since it was no-tax weekend. This is the first time we have done that. I usually dont bother too much with that kind of stuff cause I just dont like being surrounded and crowded by everyone. But this day we decided to try it out. First we headed to JcPenneys where we got Brandon some shoes and Ben some shirts. Next we tried the thrift store but it was not a good day for that it was just a bunch of overpriced junk that looked like it was taken out of the trashcan. Jamie looked at a pair of pants for Lacy that literally looked like someone had an accident in them. Next we headed to Costco where I got the cutest pair of levis for Faith. I got her two pairs and they are adorable. I also grudingly got Brandon to agree on a couple pairs of carpenter pants. He wasnt too into the shopping today. Next we stopped and had lunch with Josh and then headed over to Kohls where I had the best luck. I got Ben 4 more shirts, Brandon 3 pairs of jeans and two shirts and Faith 4 outfits. All in all a pretty good day.
Brandon went and spent the night with his best friend Brendan so we thought we would invite Bens best friend Caden over to spend the night. Caden wasnt quite ready to spend the night so we just had some pizza and hung out. Ben was sad but we will try again another time. As you can tell by the pictures Ben is kind of pouting.